About 7 million adults in Cameroon are second-hand smokers
Écrit par sur 31 mai 2019
Tobacco consumption among Cameroon youths is growing at a very fast rate.
About 300.000 youths consume tobacco in Cameroon. A situation which according to the Cameroon coalition against Tobacco is alarming, given that some 7 million adults are second-hand smokers against 1 million active smokers. At global level, tobacco kills more than of 60 000 children aged under 5 ,by causing lower respiratory infections from second-hand smoke. Each year, it kills at least 8 million people specifically from cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and tuberculosis.
NGOs plead for a quick and safe measure in curbing the phenomenon
In a bid to fight the growing phenomenon in the Cameroon society, the Cameroon coalition against Tobacco has addressed an appeal to decision makers demanding that as from June 3rd 2019, all cigarette packets should have images and messages illustrating tobacco related diseases. Cameroon losses some 28 million cfa franc to smoking yearly.Children as young as eight in Cameroon begin smoking, eventually drop out of school and become a threat to social peace and stability.
- Cameroon government officials join the fight against tobacco consumption
At the level of the government,a new packaging and labelling modality for tobacco products have been instituted in Cameroon since the start of this year. All packaging shall carry warnings illustrated by images and specific health warnings on the effects of tobacco use.Such warnings will cover at least 60% of the external rare unit of the product and all dealers in tobacco products in Cameroon are expected to comply. Tobacco smoking is the primary cause for lung cancer, leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ,Tuberculosis as it contains more than 7 000 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. Though smoke may be invisible and odourless, it can linger in the air for up to five hours.
This 2019, world no tobacco day is commemorated under the theme: « Don’t let tobacco take your breath away »
Veronica AJI